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"Am I qualified for disability?"

William J. La Croix

This is by far the most frequently asked question I hear from people as they consider an application for disability benefits from Social Security.

The Social Security Administration -- SSA -- has refined online access for everyone who has a Social Security Number.

You can create an account with SSA here.

This is important because SSA does not mail Statements annually anymore and has not done so for a long time.

Once the account is created you can generate a Statement that gives a snapshot of what you've paid into the disability and retirement insurance programs: the disability benefits you are eligible to apply for based on what you have paid in terms of credits and the retirement benefits -- early and full -- that you are entitled to receive based on your age.

An online account is also important to protect your personal information and your Social Security Number from misuse. SSA is vigilant in the protection of its programs. And while news of stolen SSNs are exaggerated a lot, everyone in the world today should take the steps they can to protect their personal information.

Qualification for disability is really a medical question that I will post about shortly.

© 2024 William J. La Croix



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